93 Common Czech Phrases (with Audio) - Start Speaking Today
Learning just a few key phrases in Czech, will open up a world of possibilities for you.
The ability to speak the local language makes traveling a lot more fun. It allows you to connect with the local people, and experience the culture in a more meaningful way.
To help you start learning Czech, I've put together 93 basic Czech phrases you should learn. Spend a little time learning these, and your trip will become more rewarding than you imagined.
You can listen to each phrase, and study them using spaced repetition, right on this page.
How to Study Czech on This Page
Play each phrase a few times and repeat it out loud. Then click the 'Study' button to add that phrase to your study session. Add as many phrases as you like, but not so many that it makes it hard to study, 5 is a good start.
When you're ready, click the 'Study Now' button that will appear at the bottom of the screen. You will be shown each phrase, and you can test yourself on the translation. If you get it right, click 'Right', if you get it wrong, click 'Wrong'.
When you get something wrong, you will be tested on it again in the same session, when you get it right, you will be tested on it again in a future session. This is called spaced repetition, and it's the most effective way to learn a new language.
We'll keep track of your progress, all you have to do is return to this page, add more phrases, and start your next session.
Adding a few phrases each day, and studying them for just 5 minutes, will have you speaking basic Czech in no time.
Greetings & Basic Phrases
1. HelloAhoj2. How are you?Jak se máte?3. I’m fine, and you?Mám se dobře a ty?4. PleaseProsím5. Thank youDěkuju6. You’re Welcomejste vítáni7. GoodbyeSbohem8. CheersNa zdraví9. Excuse mePromiňte10. I’m sorryomlouvám se11. What’s your name?jak se jmenuješ12. My name is…Jmenuji se…13. Nice to meet youRád tě poznávám14. Where are you from?Odkud jste?15. I’m from…jsem z…16. How old are you?Kolik je Vám let?17. I’m 35 years oldje mi 35 let18. What do you do for a living?Čím se živíte?19. I’m a teacherjsem učitel20. What do you do for fun?co děláš pro zábavu?21. I like…mám rád…22. I don’t like…nemám rád…23. YesAno24. NoŽádnýLanguage Communication
25. Do you speak English?mluvíte anglicky?26. I understandrozumím27. I don’t understandnerozumím28. I speak a little…mluvím trochu…29. Could you please speak a little slower?Mohl byste prosím mluvit trochu pomaleji?30. Could you repeat that?Můžete to zopakovat?31. How do you say…?Jak říkáš…?32. What does… mean?Co znamená…?Shopping & Money
33. How much?Kolik?34. I would like…Rád bych…35. Can I pay by credit card/debit card?Mohu platit kreditní/debetní kartou?36. Here you goTady to je37. Could I see this?Mohl bych to vidět?38. What time do you close?V kolik zavíráš?39. Do you have anything cheaper?Máte něco levnějšího?40. It’s too expensiveje to příliš drahé41. I'll pay...zaplatím...42. Where can I exchange money?Kde si mohu vyměnit peníze?Transportation
43. How much for a ticket to…?Kolik stojí vstupenka do…?44. A return ticket to…Zpáteční letenka do…45. Here’s my passportTady je můj pas46. What time does the bus arrive?V kolik přijede autobus?47. What time does the train depart?V kolik odjíždí vlak?48. Which platform?Která platforma?49. Is this seat taken?Je toto místo obsazené?50. When is the next ferry to…?Kdy jede další trajekt do…?51. Could you call me a taxi?Mohl bys mi zavolat taxi?52. I’d like to go to…Chtěl bych jít do…53. Could you let me know when to get off?Můžete mi dát vědět, kdy mám vystoupit?54. Where could I rent a bike?Kde bych si mohl půjčit kolo?55. I’d like to rent a carrád bych si půjčil autoEating & Drinking
55. I’d like to rent a carrád bych si půjčil auto56. Could you recommend a good restaurant?Můžete mi doporučit nějakou dobrou restauraci?57. What would you recommend?co byste doporučili?58. What are some local specialties?Jaké jsou místní speciality?59. What is the special of the day?Co je zvláštního dne?60. Could I see the menu, please?Mohl bych vidět menu, prosím?61. A beer, pleasePivo, prosím62. Could I get the bill, pleaseMohl bych dostat účet, prosím?63. I’m allergic to…Jsem alergický na…64. That was delicious!To bylo vynikající!65. This isn’t what I orderedTohle není to, co jsem si objednal66. Can I buy you a drink?Můžu ti koupit drink?67. Let’s have another!Dáme si další!Directions
68. How do I get to…?Jak se dostanu do…?69. It’s on the left/on the right/straight ahead/Je to vlevo/vpravo/přímo vpřed/70. How far is…?Jak daleko je…?71. Where is the nearest ATM?Kde je nejbližší bankomat?72. Where can I find tourist information?Kde najdu turistické informace?73. Do you have a map?máš mapu?74. Can you show me that on the map?Můžete mi to ukázat na mapě?Sightseeing
75. What is the entrance fee?Jaké je vstupné?76. What is that building?Co je to za budovu?77. What’s on at the cinema tonight?Co je dnes večer v kině?78. That’s a beautiful buildingTo je krásná budova79. What is there to see around here?Co je tady k vidění?Accommodations
80. I have a reservationmám rezervaci81. Do you have any double rooms available?Máte volné dvoulůžkové pokoje?82. Could I see the room?Mohl bych vidět ten pokoj?83. I’d like to stay for… nights.Chtěl bych zůstat na… nocí.84. Is breakfast included?Je v ceně snídaně?85. The air conditioner in my room doesn’t workKlimatizace v mém pokoji nefunguje86. Could I get a different room?Mohl bych dostat jiný pokoj?87. Is there a restaurant here?Je tady restaurace?Health & Emergencies
88. Help!Pomoc!89. I need a police officerPotřebuji policistu90. Is there pharmacy nearby?Je v okolí lékárna?91. Can I use your phone?Mohu použít váš telefon?92. Call the police/ambulance!Zavolejte policii/záchranku!93. Leave me alone!Nech mě být!