Language List



93 Common Korean Phrases (with Audio) - Start Speaking Today

  • Learning just a few key phrases in Korean, will open up a world of possibilities for you.

    The ability to speak the local language makes traveling a lot more fun. It allows you to connect with the local people, and experience the culture in a more meaningful way.

    To help you start learning Korean, I've put together 93 basic Korean phrases you should learn. Spend a little time learning these, and your trip will become more rewarding than you imagined.

    You can listen to each phrase, and study them using spaced repetition, right on this page.

    How to Study Korean on This Page

    Play each phrase a few times and repeat it out loud. Then click the 'Study' button to add that phrase to your study session. Add as many phrases as you like, but not so many that it makes it hard to study, 5 is a good start.

    When you're ready, click the 'Study Now' button that will appear at the bottom of the screen. You will be shown each phrase, and you can test yourself on the translation. If you get it right, click 'Right', if you get it wrong, click 'Wrong'.

    When you get something wrong, you will be tested on it again in the same session, when you get it right, you will be tested on it again in a future session. This is called spaced repetition, and it's the most effective way to learn a new language.

    We'll keep track of your progress, all you have to do is return to this page, add more phrases, and start your next session.

    Adding a few phrases each day, and studying them for just 5 minutes, will have you speaking basic Korean in no time.

    Greetings & Basic Phrases

    1. Hello
    2. How are you?
    어떻게 지내세요?
    3. I’m fine, and you?
    나는 괜찮아, 너는?
    4. Please
    5. Thank you
    6. You’re Welcome
    7. Goodbye
    안녕히 가세요
    8. Cheers
    9. Excuse me
    10. I’m sorry
    11. What’s your name?
    이름이 뭐에요?
    12. My name is…
    내 이름은…
    13. Nice to meet you
    만나서 반가워요
    14. Where are you from?
    어디서 오셨나요?
    15. I’m from…
    16. How old are you?
    몇 살이에요?
    17. I’m 35 years old
    저는 35세입니다
    18. What do you do for a living?
    직업이 뭐예요?
    19. I’m a teacher
    나는 선생님이다
    20. What do you do for fun?
    재미로 무엇을 하시나요?
    21. I like…
    22. I don’t like…
    23. Yes
    24. No

    Language Communication

    25. Do you speak English?
    당신은 영어를 할 수 있나요?
    26. I understand
    27. I don’t understand
    28. I speak a little…
    제가 말을 좀…
    29. Could you please speak a little slower?
    조금 천천히 말씀해 주시겠어요?
    30. Could you repeat that?
    다시 말씀해 주시겠어요?
    31. How do you say…?
    어떻게 말해요…?
    32. What does… mean?
    …은 무슨 뜻인가요?

    Shopping & Money

    33. How much?
    얼마나 많이?
    34. I would like…
    나는 싶습니다…
    35. Can I pay by credit card/debit card?
    신용카드/직불카드로 결제할 수 있나요?
    36. Here you go
    37. Could I see this?
    이걸 볼 수 있을까요?
    38. What time do you close?
    몇시에 문을 닫나요?
    39. Do you have anything cheaper?
    더 싼거 있나요?
    40. It’s too expensive
    너무 비싸요
    41. I'll pay...
    내가 지불할게...
    42. Where can I exchange money?
    어디서 돈을 교환할 수 있나요?


    43. How much for a ticket to…?
    ...행 표는 얼마입니까?
    44. A return ticket to…
    왕복 항공권은…
    45. Here’s my passport
    여기 내 여권이 있어요
    46. What time does the bus arrive?
    버스는 몇시에 도착하나요?
    47. What time does the train depart?
    기차는 몇시에 출발하나요?
    48. Which platform?
    어떤 플랫폼인가요?
    49. Is this seat taken?
    자리 있나요?
    50. When is the next ferry to…?
    다음 페리는 언제…로 가나요?
    51. Could you call me a taxi?
    택시 좀 불러 주시겠어요?
    52. I’d like to go to…
    나는 가고 싶다…
    53. Could you let me know when to get off?
    언제 내려야 하는지 알려 주시겠어요?
    54. Where could I rent a bike?
    자전거는 어디서 빌릴 수 있나요?
    55. I’d like to rent a car
    차를 빌리고 싶어요

    Eating & Drinking

    55. I’d like to rent a car
    차를 빌리고 싶어요
    56. Could you recommend a good restaurant?
    좋은 레스토랑을 추천해주실 수 있나요?
    57. What would you recommend?
    무엇을 추천하시겠습니까?
    58. What are some local specialties?
    지역 특산품에는 어떤 것이 있나요?
    59. What is the special of the day?
    오늘의 특별함은 무엇인가요?
    60. Could I see the menu, please?
    메뉴 좀 보여 주시겠어요?
    61. A beer, please
    맥주 한 잔 주세요
    62. Could I get the bill, please
    청구서를 받을 수 있을까요?
    63. I’m allergic to…
    나는 알레르기가 있습니다…
    64. That was delicious!
    65. This isn’t what I ordered
    이건 내가 주문한 게 아니야
    66. Can I buy you a drink?
    음료수 한 잔 사드릴까요?
    67. Let’s have another!
    하나 더 먹자!


    68. How do I get to…?
    어떻게 가나요…?
    69. It’s on the left/on the right/straight ahead/
    왼쪽/오른쪽/직진/앞에 있어요
    70. How far is…?
    얼마나 먼데…?
    71. Where is the nearest ATM?
    가장 가까운 ATM은 어디에 있나요?
    72. Where can I find tourist information?
    관광정보는 어디서 찾을 수 있나요?
    73. Do you have a map?
    지도가 있나요?
    74. Can you show me that on the map?
    그걸 지도로 보여주실 수 있나요?


    75. What is the entrance fee?
    입장료는 얼마인가요?
    76. What is that building?
    그 건물은 무엇입니까?
    77. What’s on at the cinema tonight?
    오늘 밤 영화관에 무슨 일이 있나요?
    78. That’s a beautiful building
    정말 아름다운 건물이네요
    79. What is there to see around here?
    이 주변에는 어떤 볼거리가 있나요?


    80. I have a reservation
    예약이 있어요
    81. Do you have any double rooms available?
    더블룸이 있나요?
    82. Could I see the room?
    방을 볼 수 있을까요?
    83. I’d like to stay for… nights.
    저는... 며칠 동안 머물고 싶습니다.
    84. Is breakfast included?
    아침 식사가 포함되어 있나요?
    85. The air conditioner in my room doesn’t work
    내 방에 에어컨이 작동하지 않아요
    86. Could I get a different room?
    다른 방을 구할 수 있을까요?
    87. Is there a restaurant here?
    여기에 레스토랑이 있나요?

    Health & Emergencies

    88. Help!
    89. I need a police officer
    경찰이 필요해요
    90. Is there pharmacy nearby?
    근처에 약국이 있나요?
    91. Can I use your phone?
    당신의 전화를 사용해도 될까요?
    92. Call the police/ambulance!
    경찰/구급차를 불러주세요!
    93. Leave me alone!
    나를 내버려둬!
Language List

Original list by Kartoniq

Website by Gary