Language List



1 Resources to Learn Kamas for Free

Photo by Sean Musil on Unsplash

  • LMU - Kamas

    LMU - Kamas



  • About the Kamas Language

    The Kamas language, also known as Kamasin or Kamasian, is an indigenous language spoken by the Kamas people of Russia. It is a member of the Uralic language family, specifically belonging to the Permian branch.

    There is limited information available regarding the exact number of Kamas language speakers. The Kamas people are a small ethnic group, and the language is considered endangered, with fewer speakers remaining.

    The origins of the Kamas language can be traced back to the Permian region of present-day Russia, where the Kamas people have historically inhabited. It shares a linguistic heritage with other Uralic languages, including Komi, Udmurt, and Mari.

    Kamas has distinct phonological and grammatical features that set it apart from other Uralic languages. It exhibits vowel harmony and agglutinative characteristics, where affixes are attached to a root to indicate grammatical functions.

    Traditionally, the Kamas language was spoken in rural areas of the Perm Krai region, particularly in Kama and Vychegda River basins. However, due to urbanization and cultural changes, the language has experienced a decline in daily use, with younger generations primarily speaking Russian.

    Efforts are being made to revitalize and preserve the Kamas language and culture. Various organizations and community initiatives focus on language documentation, education, and cultural events to raise awareness and promote its use.

    The Kamas language is an important part of the cultural heritage of the Kamas people, reflecting their unique identity and connection to the land. Preserving the language is not only essential for the Kamas community but also contributes to the linguistic diversity and understanding of the Uralic language family.

Language List

Original list by Kartoniq

Website by Gary